{Serving Duluth, MN and beyond}
Let’s “Attune”
Just like how we tune an instrument, when we tune ourselves, we tap into the innate being we are so we can offer our best selves to the world.
Meet your guide…
Katie takes a holistic approach in guiding you to your innate capabilities of healing.
Here We Are is a collection of conversations geared towards supporting humans in their journey to befriending their wellness.
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy (PRYT) is the convergence of Yoga, Buddhism, Psychology and Neuroscience.
The human body is full of wisdom.
This human body is a true reflection of the life it is carrying.
The human body is always telling the truth and always in the present moment.
In PRYT sessions, the body’s wisdom is used as a main vessel of guiding therapy. Allowing the wisdom within to be your guiding light to connecting with what’s going on in your life.
Retreats & Events
Based in Ayurveda, Katie’s wellness retreats are designed around tuning into your optimal health.
Kind Words From You…
I am a 42 year old woman with lots of luscious layers. The last thing I want to do is strip down for someone that is not my lover and have them see me in my most vulnerable state. Katie encouraged me to come get a massage and I was in so much pain from stress knots that I made the choice to allow her to massage me. She made me feel secure and confident I could feel her healing hands being guided to my stress knots and magically she untied each knot with a delicate, sacred dignity. She is a healer. If your body is crying out and needs healing, call and schedule with Katie Jo your body will feel more free. -Laura Bussey
For the four years before I met Katie, I felt half dead and half faking it. I was caught up in a broken system and was blaming myself for what I thought to be as me constantly failing.
Due to injury and difficult life circumstances, I was a physical and emotional mess.
She met me where I was at, matched where I was at with her own life experiences and taught me little by little not only how to gain life back but to love myself in the process.
Behind her education and unsurpassable skill sets lies a very large heart. This is the main source of her unique healing abilities.
In short, I went from having to crawl up my stairs to hiking, Yoga, and mostly being able to enjoy time with my son.
Attunement for me means finding comfort and joy in the dissonances of life's healing journeys.
I thank God every day for her and look forward to the adventurous life she has planned for herself and others!
I have scoliosis and have always struggled with back pain and injuries. I see a chiropractor and exercise regularly, but I kept injuring myself. I couldn't figure out why. It turns out Katie was the puzzle piece I was missing in my healing journey. Between her massage therapy, yoga therapy, and holistic coaching, I am on track to having my youth and agility back. She has helped me to loosen up tight muscles from years of abuse and injuries, and it was exactly what I was missing. I plan on sticking with Katie, and I'm excited to see where my future takes me.
I first met Katie at “It Takes a Village”. I was receiving acupuncture from a talented practitioner there.
Katie felt drawn to meet me and introduced herself. This is the beginning of my journey with her and her amazing spirit.
Katie is like no other massage therapist I have ever met. She does phenomenal massage while pouring her soul into her work. She is a gentle, compassionate healer that does more than just massage. She is drawn to what is going on with her client’s inner being. As a highly intuitive therapist, Katie spends time at the start of every session getting to the heart of anything that might be going on in the body and mind. We chat about what has been going after our last session, and we also dive deep into everything that is happening around us and in the world. Everything is connected and as kindred spirits, we both feel this energy pull. It’s almost like a therapy session. It truly is a way of getting to the core of what could be manifesting in the body emotionally.
Massage with Katie is a very powerful and introspective experience. She is extremely intuitive during the session. Katie knows what points in the body that may be holding trapped energy or trauma; puts her heart into healing her client’s issues; is drawn to the areas of concern in the muscles, and knows when to be more aggressive or to move on to a different area of the body. The massage Katie gives is truly from her heart. Approaching her work from a spiritual place, really makes her a true healer; she cares about her clients deeply. It is an honor get this work done by her, and I am so grateful to have met her. She is a beautiful soul! I would highly recommend and have recommended repeatedly. Anyone that is blessed to meet Katie and have a session with her, should be very fortunate because she is gifted. Words cannot express how amazing Katie is!
Working with Katie over the past years has been a "whole" person transformation for me: body, mind and Sprit. She has a very unique way about her. You feel a gentle wind of peace the minute you enter her space. With her knowledge of the human condition, her vast life experiences and her gentle ways - she ministers healing and cleansing to your whole being through her pure heart and gifted hands.
How to work with me
Your first step is reaching out by clicking ‘Let’s Chat’ below.
Tell me a little about yourself and I’ll have a response for you within 24 hours.
Then we’ll have a 15 minute get to know you meeting where we will check in with your being and see what you need.
Finally, we’ll get your service scheduled and booked!
I’ll see you on your service date and we’ll attune you to your wise inner self.